evolution theory is getting stranger?
2007-03-22 06:16:52 UTC
this theory that native americans came from africa europe africa australia is getting nonsense now they first thay came from asia now there saying everywhere including africa it appeared on national geographic
Five answers:
2007-03-22 08:36:33 UTC
What is strange about the ability to build a boat?
RedPower Woman
2007-03-25 15:47:18 UTC
It's called scientific racsim.

Welcome to the club of the educated!! :)

Here's the thing. The oppressors need to somehow prove that Natives didn't originate in America. They have to rid themselves of their guilt. They feel that if Natives were immigrants then they have equal rights to the land as oppressors.

It is Theory! It is not fact at all! For more information read the book "Red Earth White Lies". It is based in actual science, not just one frame but looks at many theories.

I am a Native woman. I am sooooooo tired of people believing this information on blind faith. People need to get educated and do their research. They need to stop supporting oppression and start supporting cultural respect.

EDIT: I just read the national geographic article. It is only suggested. This means it's not proven (even if it was I wouldn't believe it, i'd have to look into the science first).

People need to understand that all these new DNA studies that are being done are So Very New. We have had so much science in the past that seemed correct but later turned out horribly incorrect (i.e. we thought the world was flat). We need more time to pass before anyone can really understand DNA. Also this guy who is doing this project seems to be getting a LOT of money from it. And we know that money drives science (not the other way around). This creates a lot of room for bias.
2007-03-22 06:34:42 UTC
The idea that word of mouth supsedes proven historical FACT is a growing phenomenon among a VERY FEW people out there like you who seem to be trying to rewrite history by word of mouth.

Go to school, get some education and then come back and talk like a civilized being instead of sturring up controversy based on your own tainted view of the world.

EVERYONE knows the facts about migration in their neck of the woods -- so get a brain.

By-the-way, not everything you see on television is true. If you have a problem with this, see your psychologist...soon.
2007-03-22 06:25:35 UTC
That part isn't theory; the genes are facts. The theories that existed about the original/native Americans having come from east Asia are just that - theories. One of the most important tenets of the scientific method is that when a theory doesn't fit the facts, you throw out the theory and find another one; you don't disregard facts simply because you don't happen to like them.
2007-03-22 14:58:28 UTC
We all came from each other and humans at one time were probably all nomadic and wandered. So the point is...? Where our ancestors eventually stuck to is what made them who they are.

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