Two possible outcomes, (it was him, it wasn't him.) so lets take them apart and see what the explanations are. The most basic and likely is that it wasn't him. All sorts of reasons why that could be (fatigued/sleep-related, mental instability, trick of the light, etc) and they need to be accounted for before we start exploring other ideas. People like to believe in spooky, mystical things, makes their life seem more dramatic than it is, but wanting things to be and dealing with things as they are are two different outcomes altogether. One good way to test a 'true' thing is to deny it. Untrue things only exist when they are believed, true things exist even when they are denied. So, starting off from a skeptical point of view is both healthy and necessary. If, at some point, you come to the conclusion that the experience was what you thought it was, there are a number of possible explanations for it as well. People leave memories (past and future) of themselves everywhere they go. Under the right circumstances, these 'ghosts' can be experienced and processed but not understood to be what they are. You may have seen the past or future act of your boyfriend (maybe in that setting maybe a different one) and failed to understand what it was. In such cases, the rewinding/fast-forwarding of experience tends to denote some special connection between the two. Its like being able to pick out your bf's scent in a crowded room. If you are at a stage in your relationship where the feeling is still 'new' and not quite certain, anxiety can create the need for 'proof' that swims upstream, so-to-speak. A hallmark of a good relationship is when the two people respond to one another's needs ASAP. It is possible it was a harbinger of some 'doom' but even then, the visit isn't meant to emphasize the person is dying but that the person isn't really going away from you. Ghosts are existential creatures, inclined towards the feeling/person that is strongest, has the most need. Pre-death visits are always to the people with the strongest connection/need. I very much doubt that is what was occurring in this instance, but it needs to be addressed. It's also possible that it wasn't your bf at all but some other spirit you mistook for your bf. It doesn't happen alot but it happens enough that it still needs to be addressed. In those instances, the spirit only uses a patina of recognition, so the stronger you believe it was your bf, the more likely it was, since it takes energy for a spirit to impersonate another. And one final point to be made. Spirits occupy a physical body but they ultimately remain separate from it. Its kind of like you sitting in your car. The car does what you make it do, but you can get out of your car anytime you want/need. And while ghosts/spirits are only associated with death (because that's when the spirit permanently vacates the body) the spirit can step out anytime it likes and still return to the body. This is called an Out of Body Experience (O.B.E. for short) and can happen voluntarily (a person is consciously aware they are leaving their body) or involuntarily (a person is not consciously aware that they have 'stepped out' and gone anywhere else.) Because the spirit is the 'intelligence' of the person, it can multi-task in an O.B.E. especially if its involuntary, maintaining a remote-like control over its host body while responding in spirit form to whatever need compels it. If it was your bf visiting you, he may have been responding to some need of yours or even some need of his own. If you'd really rather be in bed with someone you love rather than going to work, its more than likely you'll spiritually run back and give them a quick confirmation, even if you aren't aware of it. In some cases, when the person is told of the experience, they will often say something like "I was thinking about you at such-and-such a time" without ever realizing they were doing something other than thinking. When your bf gets home, be sure to tell him about it and see if he was thinking of you at that moment. If he was, then you know he was REALLY thinking of you, and that usually means he likes you ALOT.