Sometimes I agree with you in a way How you adupt your life with out getting involve un-nessary needy?. Every life individually trying to survive, and taking care of theire loved ones too. simply I can give a good advice to make easy to survive and live by living Simple life, No fancy, Buy needy stuff. like- clothing, food, House-ware furniture, simple gifts, not expensive, No bad-habbits, work-hard, not staying home and working is the best idea, and Financial controll, very few Friends and who can lift you up, not ruin life and get into the wrong ideas-prevent) not to stock stuff, and not to waste any thing, even a Penny, and have a values, Principles, Respect, Opportunities, generosity receive back reward from god, or someway, not to compatible, No competion, and try to live simple, less spending, go for Bargains, take the bus,No Vehicles,Cars. (Save insurance, Gas,) be clean, and better Reputation be Honest at the Job, Co-Workers, great- Family, and Friends, Good Health, Be- smart, common-sense, and communicate with God-and god will some how sent you a good samaritan to help out and go for it for better or worse, and not to give up your Job, and need to plan a Family and with children involve, work with both side and spend, according what you have. No Credit Cards, and Loans. Start from the begenning, train children, values of money, and not wasting food, breaking toys, or demanding, anything. Every step has a decepline of each life to answer, possitive and Negative effects.