Why do people always say "life is hard"?
2007-03-09 07:35:14 UTC
I am 26 and I fin life very easy.

I get up, go to work, go home, watch tv, have a few beers sometimes and go to bed and I find it all very easy.

Does life get harder as you get older or something?
45 answers:
2007-03-09 08:39:08 UTC
You have to think about the future otherwise you sill have those problems. Not acknowledging things as they are and can be is why people have problems. You have to address issues that have happened and may happen it's a function people need. But, need to use in moderation.

Perhaps if people all lived in the now we'd all be running around with sticks and have the plague. Which would only force us to think of the future anyway or just die.

So even than you put that case scenario in the exception of the rule you'll need to add millions more that may be creeping up on you that could have been prevented.

We have to understand how to address issues as they become relevant. Perhaps if you thought about the past you could learn about these bad relationship decisions and understand the social qualities of people better to not have to go through 4 women or rather to go through more experiencing.

Not acknowledging the past can make things worse and will effect you even if you do not think it is. This "philosophy" of yours is a stem from it. You need to embrace your hardships of life because if you do not revisit them you'll probably develop some type of personality disorder.

Live life and learn some. We need fear, anxiety, shame, regret. Growth requires a past and a future. How will you learn if you do not notice your faults and regret them to acknowledge them as faults. How will you grow if you do not fear the wrong way to go about something.

Maybe you aren't raising the bar enough and accepting things as they are. It might be a breeze to be numb but, someday all the cuts and bruises will add up and you wont even know it.
2007-03-09 10:55:53 UTC
wahoo! you made me think and I like what you said about th past and the future and present. thanks.

I have my mood swings, so it depends what day you ask me the question - for example on Tuesday I wanted to die. But now it is Friday, I feel much better.

To be honest I am very worried about the future, I am having a really hard time with my runaway husband who doesn't want any children after 10 years we have been together and I have to decide what i will do with him. But I can't and we live apart at the mo. Sad. I am glad I have my friends, but it is still not what I want, my own home with my little family inside, warm and secure, happily ever after. You see I live in the future... but with my friends, I live in the present and it is all happy and superficial indeed... because there is no 'building the future together' and I take everyday as it comes. But as a woman it doesn't satisfy me. I think (young?) men can be simpler in that sense that they are happy having fun with a (or several) relationship and don't think further... am I right?
2007-03-09 07:59:34 UTC
Sometimes I agree with you in a way How you adupt your life with out getting involve un-nessary needy?. Every life individually trying to survive, and taking care of theire loved ones too. simply I can give a good advice to make easy to survive and live by living Simple life, No fancy, Buy needy stuff. like- clothing, food, House-ware furniture, simple gifts, not expensive, No bad-habbits, work-hard, not staying home and working is the best idea, and Financial controll, very few Friends and who can lift you up, not ruin life and get into the wrong ideas-prevent) not to stock stuff, and not to waste any thing, even a Penny, and have a values, Principles, Respect, Opportunities, generosity receive back reward from god, or someway, not to compatible, No competion, and try to live simple, less spending, go for Bargains, take the bus,No Vehicles,Cars. (Save insurance, Gas,) be clean, and better Reputation be Honest at the Job, Co-Workers, great- Family, and Friends, Good Health, Be- smart, common-sense, and communicate with God-and god will some how sent you a good samaritan to help out and go for it for better or worse, and not to give up your Job, and need to plan a Family and with children involve, work with both side and spend, according what you have. No Credit Cards, and Loans. Start from the begenning, train children, values of money, and not wasting food, breaking toys, or demanding, anything. Every step has a decepline of each life to answer, possitive and Negative effects.
2007-03-09 07:46:41 UTC
No those people are losers if you keep telling yourself life is hard it's going to suck and life gets easier the older you get you learn to appreciate every little thing in life it sounds like you are doing great as it is don't pay attention to the life is a struggle folks they will only bring you down. So after reading other answers had to add a few comments most people would not consider my life easy am a single mom both parents died of cancer have a drug addicted sis and I should always worry bout money but what good would it do to be sad and worry has that ever fixed anyone's problems?
2007-03-11 06:13:49 UTC
It just seems to me that you are one of life's optimists. You might be the kind of person who looks on the up side of things, instead of finding the negatives. Or maybe you are the kind of person who finds things easy to get over.

People say that life is hard, I guess depending on what they perceive to be hard. Everyone is different. If you feel content with the life that you have then suppose you will think that life is easy, if not then I suppose life is a struggle. I don't think that it has anything to do with age, just generally how you are as a person. Mate if you think life is easy and you are happy good on you, continue as you mean to go on.
2007-03-11 10:00:24 UTC
How can you complain because life is good to you??? I would kill for happiness, or to find anything easy, trust me. Be grateful for what you have, and hope it lasts. Don't forget that when you look into someone's eyes, someone looks back at you, and they don't neccessarily have as good a life as you. In fact, they may have a **** life. Don't assume that it's their fault or that they could prevent it in some way and just choose to be like you and everything bad will go away.
2007-03-09 19:33:51 UTC
Life is what you make it. Some people tend to look on the negative side of everything. Others like to remain positive even when things are going rough. I guess it's how you look at the glass of water. Would you say it is "half full" or "half empty". I like to see it as "half full". Looking at things from a postivite perspective makes life so much more enjoyable!
2007-03-09 09:34:47 UTC
life is as easy or as hard as u want it to be

i was born to a family who weren't rich or poor. i always had the things which i needed and at christmases i had at least one thing that i wanted.

i had life fairly easy until i got older than came peer preasure and other things life got bleak i went in to drugs ect

after years of hard work life has resolved the problems i had now it is easy because that is how i choose to make it so no life isn't hard unless u want it to b
2007-03-09 09:17:47 UTC
Should you marry the wrong person, you'll change your tune in a heartbeat. At 26, you haven't experienced enough of life to see the curves that can be thrown at you. You are in relatively good health but, that might not last forever. Give it some more time and I hope that you are lucky.
2007-03-09 07:42:43 UTC
Life is easy but most people tend to get stressed out over small things that have little or no impact on thier well being. Most people are are trying to drive the latest car and have designer clothes but end up breaking thier backs to afford it. Therefore they work overtime, lack of sleep, no liesure time because thier too busy trying to support the monster that they created. Live! Im glad you got a smooth routine most people will spend the rest of thier lives trying to be as happy as you but thier greed will be there downfall!
2007-03-09 07:51:30 UTC
Lots of people find life hard even when they are doing quite well. These people Won't find any thing nice and easy.

Other people never have enough money to allow them to get out and be free of money concerns. Others live in abject poverty and have no hope.

You are very lucky.
2007-03-09 15:17:34 UTC
Life is hard some of the time but it's nothing compared to the time when man had to fight of lions and tigers to get a meal in the wild.
2007-03-09 07:41:01 UTC
Life is what you make it to be, what might be hard for some people, isn't hard for others, and some people just have dang hard lives, imagine getting laid off from your job and having 2 kids to support, how are you going to keep a roof over their head and feed them, that is the kind of stuff that makes peoples lifes hard.
2007-03-09 07:43:42 UTC
Because life IS hard. You don't know that because you obviously have never had to struggle for anything, and everything was given to you, as this is the only way when life isn't hard.

For 26, you're obviously a very immature individual when you have to ask a question like this.
2007-03-09 07:38:45 UTC
most people on the planet have problems, this is a normal part of life, and if you dont then fair play to ye, but the rest of us have and a lot of the time its true when we say life is not easy. in life we have to work at things we want and struggle to acheive where we want to be, and sometimes fight for the man we want or woman whatever.
2007-03-09 07:58:54 UTC
Actually, I find life to be very hard. It's hard to keep a civil tongue in your head when you are surrounded with hate on a daily basis. I find where society is going is completely scary and worry for my children. I find it more difficult to be able to survive on one salary. Life should be hard and if it isn't, then you aren't working hard enough. Thank you.
2007-03-09 07:39:10 UTC
Well when you get married life gets hard then when you have kids life gets hard. There are so many choices in life its hard picking the right choices for the wrong ones. Losing family member is hard there are just so many things
2007-03-09 07:41:35 UTC
No its gets easier,I think I am 42 years old and never been happier in my life.I think the people that say "life is hard"make it hard,so they have something to complain about.When life is hard for me is when I lose a loved one or something happens unfortunate to someone I know.Otherwise I think life is what you make it and your on the right track!
2007-03-10 05:17:44 UTC
you obviously dont live the REAL life of pain, misery, heartache, illnesses, grief, death of a loved one, finance problems, depression, stress and many many more responsibilities i.e. kids, wife/husband, old parents to look after who are ill, shopping and the'll soon see what life is all about when it hits you hard.
corEy marsh
2007-03-09 07:47:31 UTC
Well life is easy if you live for yourself and don't give a hell. go to a third world country for a week, then tell me life is easy. You don't appreciate what you have.
2007-03-09 07:47:30 UTC
Not everyone says that. There are people who have hard lives. Thre's also another factor. Motivation . . some people don't have the motivation to live. Not sure if it's chemistry or attitude, but some people don't even wat to live, must less deal with issues.

Anyway, your life sounds easy . . are you sure you're happy with it . . Don't you ever wonder if you missed out on something.
2007-03-09 07:54:29 UTC
Because your life is not messed by the corrupted and bad governments, officers and servants. Well, my life does. Wanna to exchange life between us for your fruitful experience for life?
2007-03-09 16:01:05 UTC
if you just live for the now then i supose your right life is easy but when youve got other poeple to consider like kids you have to think whats best for them
2007-03-09 08:00:45 UTC
well you obviuosly haven't had a hard life thats why you haven't got a clue so shut up and be grateful you haven't if i could sit down with you and tell you all about my life you would be glad to be walking in your own shoes
2007-03-09 07:42:33 UTC
they say that because it can be... but it depends what you define as "hard". some people think work is hard, or getting along with others is hard, or having to watch your kids, your parents is hard... going to school is hard.

but it it wasn't for all these things, what the hell would you be doing with your time here on earth??
2007-03-09 07:38:04 UTC
Sometimes life is hard, other times its plain sailing.

Take the rough with the smooth and deal with it, works for me!
2007-03-09 21:27:07 UTC
I am 25 and I think life is hard-too many crap things happen.
2007-03-09 07:44:06 UTC
ya most people dont have easy brezzy lifes. i am only 13 and i have had 4 people in my fmaily die dont have a lot of friends parents divored sister wants to kill herself..... not a lot people have fun lives
2007-03-09 07:38:35 UTC
Anything worth having isn't easy to get
2007-03-09 07:44:02 UTC
Experiences can effect perception, if You think it's hard it is, if You think it's easy it is. Your right, as far as I'm concerned life is dandy!
2007-03-09 07:41:50 UTC
Life is hard if you make it hard.

My life is easy and I'm 60.

You do your thing, have a drink or two, and the day is over.

I don't understand it myself.
jim bob
2007-03-09 09:22:43 UTC
you have no life try raising a couple of kids and find out how hard it can get
2007-03-09 07:43:14 UTC
You must never have faced difficulties with family, friends or finances. Lucky you.
2007-03-09 07:38:31 UTC
They might say "life is hard" because the smallest thing happening to them is the biggest. I think life is alright.
2007-03-09 09:18:04 UTC
do you have a family??? kids and a wife??? thats really when life gets hard but its worth it.
2007-03-09 07:38:12 UTC
i am only 17 and i have had a really hard life like alot of people will tell you

you have it lucky Hun!
2007-03-09 07:37:41 UTC
Of course life is hard at some point (well I wouldnt say hard - more 'challenging') but if it wasnt it would be pretty boring!!
2007-03-09 07:39:33 UTC
I've never heard anyone say "life is hard."

If you are hearing such voices, I suggest you increase the psychotropic medication you have been prescribed.
2007-03-10 00:06:38 UTC
who will say life is easy then you take it easy
Peanut butter Jelly Time!!!!
2007-03-09 07:43:09 UTC
not every1s like you, life may be easy for you, but for some others it isnt, so think yourself lucky.
2007-03-09 07:38:00 UTC
Just wait. Life will get harder. :) Good luck.
2007-03-09 07:37:39 UTC
You may be the perfect example of why other people say "ignorance is bliss."
Forest Breeze
2007-03-09 07:41:04 UTC
coz life is all about sex and it gets harder every time
2007-03-09 07:37:02 UTC
You obviously aren't married yet
poo hed
2007-03-09 07:38:17 UTC
no life is easy...people are lazy slothish malcontents who are never satisfied with anything. unless you have some disease or a family member is isnt that hard. people love to *****.

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