Where exactly is the holy grail?!?
2006-06-24 09:48:58 UTC
Where exactly is the holy grail?!?
31 answers:
2006-06-24 10:00:27 UTC
The Holy Grail is one of the greatest misteries of all time, it is a mistery since many people don't event think that it's a goblet from which Jesus drank, but the body(bones, or rests) of Mary Magdalene itself!!! If people knew the exact location of the holy grail, believe would know, because it would cause a great deal of controversy!!! But then there are some people who claim that there are certain secret organizations that live and die to protect the true location of the holy grail (and this is not something that has only been stated in the Da Vinci Code, it's something that has been stated in many books before Dan Brown was even born!) as it is the Knights Templar, or otherwise known as The Priory of Sion(True secret organizations by the way) and so many other societies, but since the societies are so secret we don't know which one of the many truely (if) keeps the secret so well hiden!!! You probably read the Da Vinci Code or watched the movie and are wondering if all that stuff is true, some of the stuff in the book is very much true, just like some of the stuff in the book is very much false!!! If you want to talk about it some more i'll be happy to chat with you about it, i don't get crazy about the topic!!!
2006-07-05 14:21:36 UTC
Grail is an old name for a cup. The Holy Grail was believed to be the cup Christ drank from at the Last Supper or the vessel in which his blod was captured after His side was pierced while He hung from the cross.

The grail was lost over time and be came the object of many quest legends. King Arthur sent knights on quests in search of the grail, which if found would miraculously safe guard his kingdom.

Many artifacts have been presented as the Holy Grail, but there is never any solid proof.

The term "holy grain" has come to mean a sought after object or the ultimate goal. For example Grand Unified Theory is the Holy Grail of modern Physics.

In the DaVinci code Dan Brown suggests that the legends refer to the body of Mary Magdeline who Dan Brown also suggested carried Jesus's child therefore making Mary Magdeline and her future decendents "Grails" or vessels carrying the bloodline of Jesus.
2006-07-04 18:12:35 UTC
Grail is an archaic word for cup, as to your second question.

As to location, christendom has been searching for the holy grail for better than a thousand years. It is agreed more or less among historians that such a cup never existed in the sense it has been venerated as; the cup christ drank from at the last supper may have been kept by Jospeh of Arimathea after Jesus' death, but at best disappeared when he died.

At this point in time, if it ever existed at all, it no longer does.
2006-06-24 17:03:51 UTC
There is no real record or account of it's location and travels after the Last Supper. Most likely, it simply remained in the household of the people Jesus and the disciples dined with. For all we know it no longer exists.

Luke 22

8Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover." 9"Where do you want us to prepare for it?" they asked. 10He replied, "As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters, 11and say to the owner of the house, 'The Teacher asks: Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?' 12He will show you a large upper room, all furnished. Make preparations there." 13They left and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.

Of course, there is also a supposed grail from the Crucifixtion. But there is no mention of it in the scriptures, I'm prettys sure it is atradition of the Orthodox Chuch, because they drink both wine and water at Holy Communion. The theory is Joseph of Arimathea took possesion of this cup when he asked Pilate to take the body of Christ to his tomb the tomb.

John 19

34Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

Neither one probably exists anymore, or if one does it's just some cup floating around somewhere. It bears no meaning in the church, it is simply a relic, finding it would mean nothing because it would still just be a cup.
2006-06-24 16:51:25 UTC
The Holy Grail is located in The Castle of Uuuuugh
2006-06-24 16:52:41 UTC
There is a likely candidate on display in a small chapel in Spain (I think). The top of the cup is dated as 2000 years old, roughly, and is made in a way that is common in the Middle East at the time of Jesus. The bottom is about 600 years younger and is made of gold and jewels and was attached to the rest of the goblet.

Weird, huh?
2006-07-08 01:57:05 UTC
There is no Holy Grail per se. It is a cosmic myth. The Grail is the constellation Crater, the Cup.
2006-07-05 12:51:39 UTC
Allow me to answer this question by posing another...What is the importance of the grail? If it is truly the chalice used by Christ at the last supper, then the cup itself holds little significance. It is more likely that the cup, which no longer exists, is simply a metaphor for Christ's earthly body, which was the vessel for his blood. Christians commemorate his sacrifice by observing communion (or Eucharist, if Catholic). Therefore, the grail now resides in each of us, as Christ has filled each of us with his blood, paying our way to redemption with God.
2006-06-24 17:15:50 UTC
It's in the holy grail holder of course!
Izen G
2006-07-07 05:21:22 UTC
Being made of clay it turned to dust centuries ago. Numerous replicas have been/were made however which look very similar to it and many of those are still around, scattered in places in the middle east, europe and even america.
2006-07-05 07:18:40 UTC
The Table Napkin underneath all great thing are written at the table
2006-07-07 01:58:25 UTC
The book is poorly researched, so I wouldn't worry about it. He can spout a lot of "facts" but his conclusions are deeply flawed and no serious scholars take any of what he says seriously.
2006-06-24 16:54:02 UTC
It is, allegedly, the cup that Jesus drank out of at the Last Supper.
2006-06-24 16:51:51 UTC
At the castle Anthrax.
2006-06-24 16:51:17 UTC
old school pimp cup

Sorry, I thought you asked "what"

I think it was turned in to the lost & found desk at Scores strip club somewhere on the Pacific coast.
2006-06-24 16:53:22 UTC
lol if we knew then you wouldnt have to ask the question. anyway read the davinci code by dan brown
2006-06-24 16:50:03 UTC
No one knows.... many people speculate different things. Many people believe its just a myth and doesn't exist.
jim w
2006-07-05 14:09:49 UTC
If I knew the answer to that, I would not tell you and I would be the richest dude, ever!
2006-07-05 15:25:27 UTC
the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper
2006-07-07 21:36:06 UTC
She died around 2000 years ago.
2006-07-08 16:27:36 UTC
It's whatever you choose it to be. Personally, I think it is a myth.
2006-06-24 16:51:06 UTC
watch or read the davinci code
2006-07-03 04:57:08 UTC
Ask Monty...he knows.
2006-06-24 19:51:15 UTC
AWWW.....The million Dollar question.. No andswer
2006-06-24 16:51:53 UTC
Who honestly cares? lol
2006-06-24 16:51:18 UTC
it is supposed to be under italian ground
2006-07-04 01:40:20 UTC
In your back yard.LOL
2006-06-24 16:58:04 UTC
it is a myth
2006-06-24 16:53:04 UTC
it's a secret, and i'll never tell!
2006-06-24 16:51:06 UTC
why dont you just look it up???
2006-06-24 09:52:34 UTC
beteween jesus and mary magdoline idk how to spell her last name .....check it out

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